Step 1. Present the idea at a meeting – either an executive meeting or a meeting of the branch.  You’ll want to come prepared to answer the most obvious questions that will be asked.
Reading the article: Is Your Branch Interested In Hosting A Young Artist Concert? will provide you with more information.

  • Who pays for the venue? Answer: The Host Branch
  • Who pays for the Young Artist’s accommodation? Answer: The Host Branch
  • Do we pay the Young Artist? Answer: CFMTA pays the Young Artist a $200 stipend for each performance
  • Do we pay for travel?  Answer: The branch is responsible for transportation within their community but CFMTA arranges and pays the expenses for the Young Artist to travel from their home to your community.
  • When would the concert take place? Answer: Ideally the concert will be held before the National Piano Competition which takes place July 2019.  If possible, concerts are arranged so that the Young Artist can travel between neighbouring branches over a weekend.  You can contact neighbouring branches yourself, or let Susan Hauser know you are interested in hosting a concert and she can let you know if other branches have expressed interest.

Step 2 – Contact Maureen Hollins The coordinator gives you assistance preparing for your event.  Sharing information from the start avoids scheduling conflicts (scheduling is done somewhat on a first come first served basis).  E-mail is an effective means of communication.

Step 3 – Set The Date and Book the Venue Most branches schedule events throughout the year and are very comfortable with this step. Some branches delegate the necessary tasks to members at this point: a member or members to drive the Young Artist to and from the airport, and to shuttle them between their accommodation to the Concert venue; members to greet concert goers, collect/sell tickets, give out programs, introduce the Young Artist, provide and serve refreshments (optional); a member to take care of the printing; a member to see to publicity and advertising; a member to track the income and expenses and to produce a report after the concert to send to Susan Hauser; and of course a member to book the venue! Be sure to confirm with Maureen that the concert is going to take place.

Step 4 – Contact Businesses for sponsorship In past years hotels provided free accommodation for recognition in the program and free tickets; a venue was provided and program printing costs.  This is also the time to line up any publicity: newspaper/magazine articles; local radio who air special events; Shaw; perhaps your local chamber of commerce or other music groups in the community might allow you to share the date, program and concept for the Young Artist Concert.  Giving away tickets to seniors homes or high school can sometimes be more effective than paid advertising in the newspaper.  You will be supplied with a template for posters (and the cost of printing them can be deducted from your profits if the receipt is sent with your report).  Once you have your posters printed, distribute them in your community as widely as possible.  E-mailing the poster to various special interest groups is also advisable.

Step 5 – Print Posters, Programs and Tickets I am often asked what the cost for this concert should be.  Because there is a cost involved, it would be ideal to meet the expenses.  The average cost of entertainment in your community is a good guide.  $15 for adults and $10 for students seems reasonable in many communities, but if your local ballet school is charging $25 and $20, you may want to consider following suit.  Ticket sales can be difficult.  We call this a Young Artist because the caliber of playing is more polished than most students.  The lack of notoriety means branch members need to do promotion.  Rewarding teachers who sell five or more tickets with a free ticket is one way to thank them for their efforts.

Step 6 – Attend the Concert Invite your spouse, or a friend or relative to enjoy a wonderful concert with you.  A meet the artist reception is optional but a wonderful opportunity for interaction between the Young Artist and students and their parents.  A Host Branch in the past held a somewhat more formal question and answer period after their concert.

Step 7 – Prepare a Report CFMTA request a report including attendance, ticket price, expenses and income.  The branch must forward 50% of the net proceeds or $75 (whichever is greater) to CFMTA.  The cheque and the report are sent to Maureen Hollins.

And there you have it!  You’ve just sponsored a successful Young Artist Concert!