• Most of the following teachers also teach theoretical subjects.
  • Only current and active members are listed
  • Do NOT contact any member with unsolicited services or offers
  • Websites submitted by members are listed as a courtesy. BCRMTA is not responsible for the contents of the websites listed.


President Arne Sahlen arnesahlen@hotmail.com
Contact Arne Sahlen arnesahlen@hotmail.com Call or text 250.427.2159
Ivana Ferraro 250.464.0333 ivanaferraro@gmail.com
Linda Rothero 250.919.7842 lannroth@telus.net
Arne Sahlen 250.427.2159 arnesahlen@hotmail.com
Cara Webb 250.464.0538 cmw@caraspiano.ca
Christine Wulf 204.294.9662 pianotcw@gmail.com